
Here are some representative projects which I have worked on. A complete list of my publications is provided at the bottom. The most up-to-date publication list is available on my Google Scholar profile.


A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Surveillance-Evasion Problem using MCTS and Hamiltonian-Jacobi Equations.

Deep Waves

Scalable Wave Simulations in 2D aided by Deep Learning and a self-recursive training algorithm.

AI Ice Hockey

A ResNet model with DAgger for a state-based approach in 2v2 SuperTuxKart Ice Hockey.


Deep Q-Learning for Trading during volatile market phases, including the pandemic.

List of Publications


  • Efficient Numerical Wave Propagation Enhanced By An End-to-End Deep Learning Model
    Luis Kaiser, Richard Tsai, Christian Klingenberg
    ENUMATH23 in Lisbon, Portugal 2024 [Paper] [Code]


  • Evaluation and Improvement of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents for Algorithmic Trading
    Luis Kaiser, Padraig Davidson, Julian Tritscher, Andreas Hotho
    Bachelor Thesis in 2021 [Paper] [Code]